Algeria-MercyTech Meetup

  • 30 May 2024 / News / 324 / Admin-23

Algeria-MercyTech Meetup

Algeria-MercyTech Meetup

On May 13, 2024, the HABA Institute in Algiers hosted the first Algeria-MercyTech Meetup, an innovative event aimed at strengthening the technological innovation ecosystem in Algeria. Organized by a coalition of committed actors, including MEDAFCO, ALINOV, the A2T2 Association, the Haba Institute, and Emerging Africa, this event attracted technology experts from around the world, determined to make Algeria a key technological hub in Africa and beyond.

Objectives of the Algeria-MercyTech Program

The Algeria-MercyTech program focuses on seven strategic sectors essential for sustainable development and technological innovation in Algeria:

  1. Agri-Tech: Promoting sustainable and smart agriculture.
  2. Water-Tech: Optimizing water resource management.
  3. Health-Tech: Improving access to and quality of healthcare.
  4. Pollu-Tech: Reducing industrial pollution.
  5. Edu-Tech: Transforming learning and access to education.
  6. Smart Building: Developing smart and eco-efficient buildings.
  7. Energy-Tech: Accelerating the transition to renewable energies.

These initiatives aim to position Algerian tech startups as key players in the regional and international economy.

Event Proceedings

The day began with inspiring opening speeches by Mr. Ahmed Damou, Director of the HABA Institute, and Ms. Samira Fekrache, President of the Alinov Foundation. Discussions were organized around three main panels, each addressing vital aspects of technological development in Algeria.

Panel 1: The Role of the Algerian Intelligentsia Abroad

Objective: Examine how Algerian talents abroad can stimulate technological and economic development in Algeria. Moderator: Ms. Nadia Bennacer, Innovation Management Consultant. Main Discussions:

  • Technological Watch and Continuous Information: Importance of keeping the Algerian tech ecosystem informed of the latest global trends.
  • International Promotion Strategy: Roles of expatriates in accessing international markets for Algerian startups.


  • Prof. Abdelkader DJEFLAT: Knowledge Economy Expert.
  • Dr. Mustapha KORIBA: CEO NasNad intl.
  • Mr. Mohamed Sami MEHIAOUI: Entrepreneur and initiator of PACT.
  • Mr. Adel Mohammed BOUGUESRI: Digital Transformation Consultant.
  • Mr. Samir Zaghia: Global Head of Transaction Monitoring, Credit Suisse Zurich.
  • Dr. Krimo SALEM: Founder & CEO of If & Then, Inc.
  • Dr. Abdenour MELIKECHI: Technology Transfer Expert.

This panel highlighted the importance of the Algerian diaspora in strengthening local innovation through effective knowledge transfer and adaptation of international best practices.

Panel 2: Developing Technological Skills in Algeria

Objective: Analyze the state and prospects of technological skills in Algeria. Moderator: Dr. Ahmed Damou, President of the Algerian Association for Technology Transfer (A2T2). Main Discussions:

  • Education and Scientific Research: Adapting educational programs to international standards to improve the quality and relevance of advanced technology research.


  • Dr. Meriem Benmiloud: Director General of the National School of ICT and Post.
  • Mr. Abdelmalik BACHIR: Director General of the National School of Artificial Intelligence.
  • Mr. Karim KIARED: Director General of the Algerian Business School.
  • Mr. Ghomari Abdessamed: Associate Professor, National School of Computer Science.

The panel emphasized the importance of reforming educational programs to prepare students for global market demands and encourage innovation.

Panel 3: Developing the Algerian Technological Ecosystem

Objective: Discuss funding and support tools for innovative startups in Algeria. Moderator: Dr. Ali Kahlane, Senior Consultant and Vice President of the CARE Think Tank. Main Discussions:

  • Creation of National Funds and Alternative Financing: Encouraging the creation of national funds and using alternative financing.
  • Challenges and Opportunities in the Tech Sector: Identifying challenges and opportunities to stimulate innovation.
  • Access to International Financing: Facilitating access to capital for startups on the international stage.


  • Mr. Yazid BENMOUHOUB: Director General of the Securities Exchange Management Company (SGBV – Algiers Stock Exchange).
  • Noureddine Ouadah: Expert in simplifying administrative procedures.
  • Mr. Bilal ACHACHA: Director of the National Entrepreneurship and Development Agency (NESDA).
  • Mr. Okba HACHANI: Director General of the Algeria Startup Fund.
  • Mr. Chemseddine HABHOUB: Co-founder of YINVESTI.
  • Nora Chennaoui: Innovation Management Specialist.

This panel explored ways to create a favorable environment for Algerian startups, with facilitated access to funding and continuous support.

Conclusion and Future Perspectives

The first Algeria-MercyTech Meetup not only highlighted Algeria's technological ambitions but also paved the way for future fruitful collaborations. The commitment shown by the panelists and participants suggests a promising future for innovation in Algeria. The next meetup, scheduled for mid-June, promises to continue this momentum by exploring new opportunities and building on the achievements of this successful first event.

For more information, visit:

  • MEDAFCO Website
  • MEDAFCO LinkedIn
  • MEDAFCO Facebook
  • MEDAFCO YouTube
  • ALINOV TV YouTube

Documents concerning MercyTech from May 13:

  • Agenda
  • Brochure
  • Panelists
  • Event Videos, Additional Video
  • Launch Video on LinkedIn

Together, the actors in the Algerian and international technological ecosystem can realize Algeria's full potential in technology and innovation, the pillars of the knowledge economy.

source: ALINOV

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