Egypt, Netherlands to begin cooperation program in 10 fields of water resources

  • 11 May 2022 / News / 481 / Fares RAHAHLIA

Egypt, Netherlands to begin cooperation program in 10 fields of water resources

CAIRO – 10 May 2022: The Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources, and the Dutch ambassador signed Monday evening a cooperation program in 10 fields of water resources.  

 The cooperation covers the areas of the planning and management of water resources; integrated management of water resources; efficient use of water resources; integrated management of coastal areas; applied research on water treatment, modern irrigation systems, and modern wastewater systems; capacity-building of workers in charge of the assessment of the environmental and social impacts of projects; sustainable management of water resources; research projects and exchange of information between the research institutions of both countries; and workshops on subject matters of mutual interest.

 The program also comprises implementing experimental zones in tandem with upgrading the design of sanitary sewer. That is in addition to forming a joint task force from both sides to follow up on the execution of joint projects.

 The statement released by the ministry noted that the cooperation between Egypt and the Netherlands in the sector of water dates back to 1976. The current cooperation between the two countries is about exchanging experience in the realms of water management, maximizing yield per unit of water, improvement of water quality, water treatment techniques, and integrated management of coastal areas. 

Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources Mohamed Abdel Aty discussed with Burundi Ambassador to Cairo Sheikh Rashed Malashi in March the activation of the technical cooperation agreement signed between both countries in the field of the "integrated management of water resources."

 The press statement released by the ministry indicates that the prospective projects include rainwater harvesting dams, building and maintenance of a rainwater drainage system at cities and villages, and studies pertinent to planning and developing water resources.

The meeting tackled the outcomes of the ministry's delegation's visit to Burundi in November, examining ways of accomplishing the technical studies required to prepare the plan. 

The minister and the ambassador also agreed on holding a virtual meeting to follow up on the steps taken working towards that goal. During the talks, Abdel Aty noted the fulfillment of Burundi's request to train 10 of its water resources professionals at the ministry's Regional Training Center. 

source: egypttoday.

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