Morocco: Morocco ranks 7th in new 2023 Climate Change Performance Index

  • 20 March 2023 / News / 331 / Admin-23

Morocco: Morocco ranks 7th in new 2023 Climate Change Performance Index

Morocco moved up a rank in the Climate Change Performance Index for 2023, placing 7th among the top 10 highest-performing nations this year.

According to CCPI’s latest report called “Monitoring Climate Mitigation Efforts of 59 Countries plus the EU – covering 92% of the Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions”, Morocco rates high in three main CCPI categories: GHG Emissions, Energy Use, and Climate Policy just like in the past two years.

The country is rated very poorly for renewable energy, lower than its 2030 ambitions, despite the fact that the trend toward renewable energy is very high lately, noted the report.

“If Morocco maintains its positive trend in renewable energy, it should improve in the other two indicators as well. Despite this positive development, the CCPI experts note that Morocco lacks the will to decentralize renewable energy and encourage citizens to produce their own renewable energy,” it explained

By 2030, Morocco has promised to plant 600,000 hectares of forest. The CCPI experts applaud the gains the nation has made during the previous few years.

Nonetheless, they criticized the current legislation for lacking implementing force and the industrial sector’s adherence to them.

In terms of Green House Gaz emissions, Morocco ranked 11. As for renewable energy, it landed the 31 spot.

The kingdom is occupying the eighth spot in energy use, and fifth in climate policy.

It’s noteworthy that Morocco has been at the forefront of efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and it has scaled up this work after COP22.

Since its introduction in 2005, the annual Climate Change Performance Index has served as an impartial monitoring tool for 59 nations and the EU’s progress on climate protection.

The CCPI attempts to increase openness in global climate politics and allows for the comparison of individual nations’ progress and efforts in climate protection.


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