GoNigeria unveils digital poetry contest winners, tasks youths on politics

  • 11 April 2022 / News / 493 / Fares RAHAHLIA

GoNigeria unveils digital poetry contest winners, tasks youths on politics

GoNigeria Initiative has announced the names of young Nigerians that won the top three prizes in the 1st Quarter GoNigeria Digital Poetry Challenge.

The winners are: Diana Modeme from Anambra State, who emerged as the star prize winner with a cash prize of N1 million, as well as David Odiase, aka 78thpsalmist from Lagos and Abdullahi Idi Dabiru, a contestant from Borno State, who emerged first and second runners-up with cash prizes of N600, 000 and N400, 000.

The programme, which is in commemoration of the 2022 World Poetry Day, was to boost the public enlightenment campaign themed, “GoNigeria, an advocacy to sensitise Nigerian youths to participate in the electoral process.”  

The online contest, which ran from March 17 to 31, engaged youths with a strong inclination for poetry to showcase their talents and be part of the ongoing GoNigeria advocacy campaign geared at galvanising eligible young Nigerians in the country and Diaspora for the 2023 polls.

Anchored by renowned poet, Dike Chukwumerije, who is a GoNigeria Advocate, the digital competition offered persons between ages 18 and 45 to create a 30-second poetry video, while holding their Permanent Voter’s Cards (PVCs) and encouraging other youths to go register and pick up their voter’s cards.

GoNigeria is an initiative of Anap Foundation, a non-profit organisation, committed to promoting good governance.

Through this project, the foundation has been partnering with Advocates and enlightened celebrities (GoAmbassadors), corporate bodies eager to support the initiative via co-branding (GoPartners), as well as many enthusiastic young volunteers, to amplify the advocacy to their age mates (GoVolunteers).

The overall aim is to encourage Nigerian youths to register and vote en-masse next year. 

source: guardian.ng

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