Algeria, Economic intelligence and sustainable development: reconciling profitability and the preservation of resources for future generations

  • 14 May 2023 / News / 486 / Admin-23

Algeria, Economic intelligence and sustainable development: reconciling profitability and the preservation of resources for future generations

An international symposium under the theme: "economic intelligence and territorial intelligence at the service of sustainable development" was held today at the School of Advanced Business Studies (EHEC) of the Koléa university center (Tipaza). The participants expressed their concern about the obvious opposition between economic intelligence and sustainable development at a crucial time when the tools of economic intelligence must be put at the service of sustainable development.

According to Professor Arezki Souak, the principles of economic intelligence are used to increase the profitability of States and companies. In economic warfare, large industrialized states seize new markets as part of what they call economic security.

Economic security, explains the speaker, includes a defensive dimension which involves the protection of heritage, the delimitation of critical industrial and technological perimeters, as well as the fight against foreign economic intelligence activities. It also includes an offensive dimension which consists of supporting the international development of companies.

To "economic warfare" and "economic security" is added the other concept of "economic sovereignty". The latter, continues Mr. Souak, differs from autarky and protectionism, and aims to put an end to the regulation by the market of the economies of certain capitalist countries, leading to their deindustrialization and the absence of national production of essential goods. . 

The retired professor maintains that these large States, in particular the USA, use monitoring, influence and economic security to maintain their hegemony over world economies. This practice explains why economic intelligence tools are not used to promote sustainable development.

Professor Christian Marcon, of the IAE of Poitiers, puts forward the hypothesis according to which the pressure exerted by pro-sustainable development NGOs, as well as companies wishing to retain their customers, encourage manufacturers to find common ground to reconcile profitability and the preservation of resources for future generations. Not to mention the collective awareness of consumers of the need to take environmental issues into account.

At this same international symposium, speakers addressed the issue of territorial intelligence. According to Pr Abdelkader Djeflat, territorial intelligence is an approach that aims to collect, analyze and exploit strategic information to understand and develop the potential of a territory in its economic, social, environmental and cultural dimensions.

In his presentation, the speaker highlighted the need to boost sustainable development through territorial intelligence and network organization to ensure convergence.
