Egyptian Cabinet reviews procedures for establishing electric charging station company

  • 31 March 2022 / News / 494 / Fares RAHAHLIA

Egyptian Cabinet reviews procedures for establishing electric charging station company
CAIRO - 30 March 2022: Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli directed, in coordination with a number of ministries and relevant authorities, to agree on the conception and legal framework for establishing a company for the purpose of establishing, operating and managing electric charging stations, as well as the lands that can be made available for the purpose of providing charging stations.
This came during the Cabinet’s review in its weekly meeting, Wednesday, headed by Mostafa Madbouli, a report from the Ministry of Public Business Sector regarding the preliminary measures that were taken to establish a company for the purpose of establishing, operating and managing electric charging stations in the governorates of: Cairo, Giza, Alexandria, and Sharm El-Sheikh, according to a press release. 
The Cabinet said that this comes to meet the needs of these cars and vehicles, and the procedures required during the current stage, within the framework of the state's strategy towards localizing the automobile and electric vehicles industry and expanding their use.
Hisham Tawfik, Minister of Public Business Sector, explained that the measures taken by the ministry in this regard included agreeing on the price of the charging service in coordination with the Ministry of Electricity, and specifying a map of the proposed sites for establishing charging stations in the targeted governorates first.
The council reviewed another report on the efforts made by the Ministry of Public Business Sector to restructure the Nasr Export and Import Company in the form of the Gosoor (bridges) project, which aims to change the business model so that the company becomes the home of Egyptian manufacturers for promotion, mediation, and logistics services, to target opening new markets for medium-sized projects. and small, and designing an electronic catalog of Egyptian products, which helps in good marketing and integrated promotion.

source: egypttoday

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