Egypt allocates 2.5% of cash reserve to chambers of commerce to provide Ramadan bags

  • 14 April 2022 / News / 442 / Fares RAHAHLIA

Egypt allocates 2.5% of cash reserve to chambers of commerce to provide Ramadan bags
CAIRO - 13 April 2022: The Egyptian Minister of Trade and Industry, Nevine Gamea agreed to allocate 2.5 percent of the cash reserve to the chambers of commerce in the governorates to provide Ramadan bags for citizens.
The minister’s decision was issued to authorize deduction from the reserve and purchase through a joint committee that includes governorates and chambers of commerce, provided that distribution is made through governorates or solidarity directorates that have lists of the most favored families in each governorate.
This comes after the expanded meeting recently held by the Minister and Minister of Supply and Internal Trade with the heads of the boards of directors of the Chambers of Commerce, during which the importance of strengthening the societal role of the private sector and contributing to the provision of goods at reasonable prices was emphasized for citizens.
The minister said that more than 160,000 Ramadan bags will be provided by the chambers of commerce in 19 governorates, including Alexandria, Assiut, Menoufia, Dakahlia, Red Sea, Port Said, Sohag, Qalyubia, Menoufia, Suez, Qena, Kafr El-Sheikh, Beni Suef, Minya, Ismailia, Luxor, Aswan, Damietta and Fayoum, in addition to what is distributed directly through the member companies of the Chambers of Commerce in the governorates.
Gamea added that this procedure is integrated with the participation of manufacturers, importers and traders in “Ahlan Ramadan” (Welcome Ramadan) exhibitions in all governorates, which provide basic and Ramadan food commodities with discounts of up to 30 percent, noting that these exhibitions will continue beyond the month of Ramadan, based on the directives of Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouli, and that during the next week they will display discounted clothing and footwear products as well, in preparation for receiving the blessed Eid al-Fitr.
The Federation of Egyptian Industries decided to provide 60,000 Ramadan bags from the union’s budget, to be distributed through the channels of the Ministry of Solidarity, in contrast to what is distributed through the union’s member companies, within the framework of the societal role of the private sector and to face global economic changes, and on the occasion of the month of Ramadan.

source: egypttoday

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