Egypt -turned into regional energy hub: EGAS president

  • 24 June 2022 / News / 451 / Fares RAHAHLIA

Egypt -turned into regional energy hub: EGAS president
President of the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS) Magdy Galal said on Wednesday Egypt has transformed into a regional center for energy especially as regards natural gas trade and handling.
In statements to MENA correspondent in Lebanon, Galal said Egypt has a big infrastructure that is not available in the neighboring countries that has natural gas fields.
The Ministry of Petroleum is planning to dig a number of wells in the places that are expected to contain big natural gas reserves, he said.
The neighboring countries depend on the infrastructure owned by Egypt to liquidate the gas and export it rabidly especially in light of growing demands on gas prompted by the current developments, he added.
Egypt has already exported big quantities of gas to Europe over the past period, he said, asserting that more exporting contracts will be signed within the coming period.
Egypt’s production of natural gas in addition to its strategic position and huge infrastructure were basic elements in its transformation into a regional center for energy, he opined. 

source: Egypt today

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