Egyptian gov’t approves expanding Cairo borders to include new capital lands

  • 09 June 2022 / News / 421 / Fares RAHAHLIA

Egyptian gov’t approves expanding Cairo borders to include new capital lands

CAIRO – 8 June 2022: The Egyptian government has approved a presidential decision to expand Cairo’s eastern border so that it includes the areas of lands of the New Administrative Capital and their extension.

The approval comes as part of numerous decisions taken by the Cabinet during its meeting on Wednesday.

The new capital, located 35 kilometers east of Cairo, lies over an area of around 170,000 feddans.

The country seeks through the construction of the new capital, which started in 2015, to enhance and diversify its economic potential and also ease congestion in Cairo, one of the world’s most crowded cities.

The new capital’s significance is growing as Greater Cairo’s population is expected to rise to 40 million people from 18 million by 2050.

The new city is planned to become the country’s new administrative and financial capital of the country as it will host the main government departments, ministries, and foreign embassies.

The city is also expected to attract seven million people to live inside its borders at a total area of 700 square meters.

As per the state’s plans, the smart city will house residential districts, educational institutions, as well as hospitals, clinics, mosques, and churches.

This is in addition to tens of thousands of hotel rooms, an electric railway link with the capital and a new international airport.

The government plans to complete the relocation of its institutions and employees this year as the city is planned to house new headquarters of the parliament, presidential palaces, 18 ministries and foreign embassies.

source: egypttoday.