Egypt's Parliament approves 3 agreements supporting health insurance system, Upper Egypt's development

  • 13 May 2022 / News / 456 / Fares RAHAHLIA

Egypt's Parliament approves 3 agreements supporting health insurance system, Upper Egypt's development
CAIRO- 12 May 2022: Egyptian Parliament approved Thursday three agreements that support health insurance system in the country, and Upper Egypt's development. 
First agreement:
Among the approved agreements is a decision by the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt on a partnership agreement titled “Technical Expertise and Transfer of Expertise Fund” between the Arab Republic of Egypt, the French Expert Foundation and the French Development Agency regarding the implementation of a technical cooperation project to support the comprehensive health insurance reform in Egypt that was signed in September 16, 2021. 
The agreement aims to define the ways in which the French Development Agency provides its funding to the Egyptian government to support the comprehensive health insurance reform in all governorates of Egypt and support the beneficiaries (Ministry of Health and Population- Comprehensive Health Insurance Authority- General Authority for Accreditation and Health Control- Health Care Authority- Economic Justice Unit). 
It also aims to reviewing plans, processes and organizational tools, including strengthening the information technology system, as well as evaluating the first phase of developing the comprehensive health insurance system and developing the supervisory and evaluation performance of the comprehensive health insurance, and representatives of the concerned authorities conducting a study visit to study and coordinate between institutions and information technology systems for the French systems related to health insurance. mass.
Second agreement:
The second Approval was for a Decision by the President regarding the approval of the Decision of the Governors of the African Development Bank No. 5/2021 issued on March 5, 2021, on the authorization of the temporary special increase of the bank’s callable capital.
This increase aims to avoid lowering the credit rating of the African Development Bank from its current level “AAA”, and it is also a temporary increase, as these shares expire on December 31, 2023, and the bank can terminate them before this date.
Third agreement:
The House of Representatives also approved a resolution by the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt regarding the approval of the Agreement on Financing the Sustainable Transformation of Agricultural Harmonization in Upper Egypt (STAR) between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the International Fund for Agricultural Development, signed in Rome on 28/1/2022.
The program aims to contribute to improving the living standards of the target groups in the Upper Egypt governorates of Minya, Assiut and Sohag, by supporting these groups to develop the ability to face future water scarcity and climate risks through the increased adoption of effective production and irrigation techniques, as well as improving the productivity and quality of various products, in addition to enhancing its profitability, and diversifying its sources of income through a group of small projects.
According to the agreement, the International Fund for Agricultural Development provides the Arab Republic of Egypt with a loan of 57 million and 440 thousand euros and a grant amounting to one million and 180 thousand euros, to support the trend towards a sustainable transformation of agricultural adaptation in Upper Egypt, improve the productivity of small holdings, support social development programs and gender equality. Egypt also provides financing In cash and in kind to finance the sustainable transformation program, it is estimated at 15.5 million US dollars.

source: emerging-africa.