Carbon footprint reduction: Lafarge Algeria opts for CCUS technology

  • 13 May 2023 / News / 482 / Admin-23

Carbon footprint reduction: Lafarge Algeria opts for CCUS technology

Taking part in the 25th edition of the International Building, Building Materials and Public Works Exhibition (Batimatec), from May 7 to 11, 2023, Lafarge Algeria unveiled its strategy to reduce its carbon footprint. This rests on four pillars.

The first consists of optimizing the use of energy at its sites, as well as the capture of carbon by the process called CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage). It is a technology that makes it possible to capture CO2 and reuse it for other purposes, otherwise sequester it in deep wells. The objective is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and have greener industrial sites.

Lafarge Algeria has identified a pilot site for reducing its energy consumption: Lafarge Sac in Bordj Bou Arréridj. According to its manager, Mr. Athmane Benkara, it is a question of installing photovoltaic panels in order to reduce the consumption of electrical energy. The results of this first experiment will be used to duplicate this solution on the different cement plants of the group.

The second pillar consists in the use of ecological products, respectful of the environment, such as Chamil TM EcoPlanet cement. This green product, launched in September 2022, emits 40 times less CO2 than conventional cement. Lafarge Algérie indicates that other types of cements with an even lower carbon footprint are under development. In addition, the ARDIA solution for the construction and renovation of roads by recycling the old pavement will be put forward soon.

As part of its carbon footprint reduction strategy, Lafarge Algérie is also committed to building buildings that are sustainable throughout their life cycle. This is the third pillar. For this, the cement manufacturer is moving towards insulating solutions for the floor, the walls and the roof. AIRIUM TM insulating mortars, awarded with the “Solar Impulse efficient solution” label, are the only mineral solution for thermal insulation of buildings, making it possible to greatly improve their comfort in summer and winter and reduce their energy consumption.

The fourth pillar is circular construction. Through its Geocycle TM activity, new manufacturing processes and the use of alternative raw materials are developed. This technology makes it possible to combine innovative industrial processes with the preservation of local natural resources (clay, limestone, iron and natural gas), thanks to the recovery in cement works of ordinary, industrial and hazardous waste.

From the same Lafarge Algeria group, we learn that cement production for the local market is stabilizing at 9 million tonnes. With regard to exports, the cement manufacturer aims to reach a volume of 4.2 million tonnes for the year 2023 against 3.2 million tonnes in 2022. The main destination countries are West Africa. the west, the USA, Great Britain and France.
