Egypt : Study indicates figures on job offerings in Egypt in Q3 of FY2021/22

  • 19 May 2022 / News / 516 / Fares RAHAHLIA

Egypt :  Study indicates figures on job offerings in Egypt in Q3 of FY2021/22

CAIRO – 17 May 2022: The Egyptian Center for Economic Studies (ECES) released Tuesday a study on job creation in Egypt in the third quarter of FY2021/22, which extended from January 1 to March 31.


The study categorizes workers into blue-collar and white collar, and classifies them according to age, gender, level of education, geographical location, and sector. The figures were measured by studying reputable online job posting sites, and online job postings by companies whose existence was verified.  


The study divides the country into six areas that are Delta (comprising Damietta, Daqahliyah, Sharqia, Qalyoubiyah, Kafr El sheikh, Gharbia, Menoufeya, Beheira), Suez Canal governorates (Suez, Ismailiyah, and Port Said), the Capital (Giza and Cairo), Alexandria, Upper Egypt (Beni Suef, Fayoum, Menya, Asyut, Sohag, Qena, Aswan, Luxor), and border governorates (Red Sea, New Valley, Matrouh, North Sinai, and South Sinai).


The figures show a mismatch between the location of job creation and the distribution of the population, as 42 percent live in Delta, 29 percent live in Upper Egypt, 19 percent live in the capital, five percent live in Alexandria, three percent live in Suez Canal governorates, and two percent live in border governorates.


Blue-Collar Workers


Seventy percent of jobs created for blue-collar workers are located in the capital. Speaking of Cairo in specific, they mostly lie in Nasr City and New Cairo suburb. Then come Delta with 17 percent, followed by Alexandria (six percent), Upper Egypt (four percent), border governorates (two percent), and Suez Canal governorates (one percent).


Demand is mostly generated in the sector of marketing and sales with 42 percent. The percentages in other sectors are 11 percent in the service sector; 10 percent in hospitality and tourism; 10 percent in agriculture and manufacturing; eight percent in transport; six percent in craft sector; five percent in administrative work; three percent in engineering and architecture; two percent in finance and legal affairs; and one percent in each of the medical and pharmaceutical sectors, information technology and telecommunications, constructions, and school education.  


Eight percent of job offerings require males as applicants, against one percent for females, while just 19 percent of job announcements do not specify a gender.


With regard to education requirements, 39 percent want applicants who hold a university degree. As for language requirements, only four percent want applicants who are fluent in English. That is precisely true for warehouse management, online marketing, office management, and reception.


Regarding computer skills, sixty percent of job postings do not require them at all, while 15 percent ask for basic knowledge, 16 percent want a good command of such skills, and just nine percent ask for workers who are highly qualified with computer.   


Speaking of insurance, 73 percent of vacancies offer both social and medical insurance, 10 percent offer social insurance only, and two percent offer just medical insurance. On the other hand, 10 percent do not offer any kind of insurance.  


Demand on blue-collar employment declined mostly in the sectors of manufacturing, and transport.


White-Collar Workers


Eighty-seven percent of jobs created for white-collar workers exist in the capital, while Alexandria offered seven percent, and Delta provided four percent. On the other hand, each of Upper Egypt and border governorates created one percent of jobs in that category.


Demand is mostly generated in the customer service sector with 31 percent followed by the information technology and telecommunications sector with 13 percent and the retail sector with nine percent. Five percent are generated in each of the sectors of finance and legal affairs, management, and marketing, advertising and public relations. The share of the constructions sector is four percent, while three percent are the shares of each of the medical and pharmaceuticals sectors, maintenance and technical support, and business development. Education comes last with two percent.


When it comes to white-collar jobs, 94 percent require a university degree, while just three percent accept a high-school degree. Another three percent do not specify a degree. Similarly, 94 percent of white-collar jobs do not require a specific gender.


As for the years of experience, 55 percent of jobs are offered for fresh graduates, while 36 percent require a significant experience. Eight percent of job offerings are for managerial positions, while the remaining one percent is in the top-tier management. It is noted that 20 percent of offerings for white-collar workers are remote jobs against just 0.42 percent for blue-collar workers.


Demand on white-collar employment declined mostly in the sectors of education and training, logistics and supply, and hospitality and catering. On the other hand, the sectors, where growth occurred, are customer service, ICT, sales and retail, and marketing, advertising, and public relations. 

source: egypttoday.

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