Egypt's tourism rates returned to normal in 2021 despite ongoing Covid restrictions: minister

  • 22 April 2022 / News / 496 / Fares RAHAHLIA

Egypt's tourism rates returned to normal in 2021 despite ongoing Covid restrictions: minister

CAIRO – 21 April 2022: Egypt expected incoming tourism rates to return to normal by 2023 after the covid pandemic subsides, but the pre-Covid rates returned by the end of 2021, Minister of Tourism Khaled el-Enany said Thursday.

He added during a suhour, a late meal before Ramadan fasting begins by dawn, organized by the Egyptian Federation of Chambers of Tourism that the figures mean foreign countries trusted the Egyptian destination to follow precautionary measures.

Egypt sent a message to the world when it hosted stranded Ukrainian and Russian tourists for free that said it respects its tourists and visitors, the minister emphasized.

Russian and Ukraine were two of the main countries that send tourists to Egypt, but now the situation is different.

Enany said his ministry is targeting new markets to attract tourists and facilitate the entrance of citizens from as many countries as possible. It also gives incentives to foreign travel companies and intensifies promotions and advertisements in the main market countries.

source: egypttoday.