Egypt's House of Representatives recommends faculties of African studies and languages be opened

  • 18 May 2022 / News / 511 / Fares RAHAHLIA

Egypt's House of Representatives recommends faculties of African studies and languages be opened

CAIRO – 17 May 2021: The Foreign Affairs Committee at the House of Representatives recommended on Monday that faculties of African studies be opened in Egyptian universities as well as departments of African languages at the faculties of arts and education.

The committee also recommended that the Arab African Forum is continued in the same strength as its first edition, all to enhance Egyptian leadership, according to a statement by the Coordination of Party Youth and Politicians (CPYP).

MP Amr Ezzat said in the meeting that Egypt needs to reinforce its communication with African nations to strengthen African cooperation and development amongst the countries of the continent.

The committee convened for three hours to discuss the recommendation, which Ezzat, a member of CPYP. The meeting was attended by the Committee of Youth and Sports as well as governmental representatives.

source: egypttoday.

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